Spontaneous Combustion 2015
Spontaneous Combustion is a yearly dance and performance project held in various indoor and outdoor spaces around a selected area of London. For the first time this year, 'Spont' will take place during the Art Licks Weekend around Copeland Park and the Bussey Building in Peckham.
Originally a Victorian industrial complex, the Bussey Building and surrounding site have recently been saved from destruction by the local campaign Peckham Vision. Artists were invited to create new work or relocate previous work in various locations around the estate, including the roof top, the car park and different commercial premises including a record shop, yoga studio, recording studio and a cycle shop.
Curator: Lorenza Peragine
Spont 2015 is developed in association with The Nines, Copeland Park, Peckham Vision, VictorLab, RyeWax, SeaBass Cycles, Super Unison Studios.
Part of Art Licks Weekend 2015: http://artlicksweekend.com/event/spontaneous-combustion/
The NINES: http://www.theninespeckham.co.uk
Gorizazmarkaz, Hug Roux Law, Sebastian Hau-Walker, Jonathan Rogerson , Janine Harrington, Andrew Edwards & Paul Hughes, Svenja Buhl & Finlay Forbes Gower, Clelia Vuille & Jessica Haener, Sound Life Collective, Imogen Bland, Miss Englatina, Disco Titz, Carolyn Roy & Lizzie Les Quesne, Laura Burns, Nicholas Stuecklin
Programme details
Saturday 3 October, 2-9pm
Sunday 4 October, 1-5 pm
