Spontaneous Combustion Mobile App at Hackney WickED Festival 2014
Download HiperGeo from Play Store or scan QR code
Activate GPS in your phone main settings.
Open the app. Prefences> Enable Video Downloads on your phone
'Search for Hypergeos' and select artist's project
Menu > you can choose to navigate through the MAP or with the COMPASS. Map is preferable if the point you have to reach is very far, or if you are leaving one point. Compass is useful when you are close to a point.
When approaching a point, try and move so that the distance in metres diminuishes. When it goes under 15-20 metres you will hear a sound and a video will start playing.
You can change the project at any time by going back to the main menu.
For more info, or if you have any problems, pop into
arebyte, Unit 4a, White Post Lane, E9 5EN
Saturday 2 & Sunday 3 August
Spontaneous Combustion mobile app is the product of a 2-week residency at arebyte gallery (7-20 July 2014). It was devised by David Da Paz of Coletivo Curto-Circuito in collaboration with four performance artists: Rebecca Evans, Hannah Stearn, Hannah Gardiner, Cluster Bomb Collective.
Audiences will able to download the app on Android devices and explore digital content created by the four artists-in-residence. Digital content is geo-located and will appear automatically on devises depending on the owner's position in space.
Rather than a navigation tool, this platform invites audiences to explore real and imagine sites and geographies of Hackney Wick and to experience multiple narratives to the artists' projects.
Choreographer Rebecca Evans has tranformed her widely acclaimed dance piece 'Decoy' into a digital experience. The audience is asked to follow dancers whilst performing a series of circles in and outside arebyte gallery, to eventually find themselves in the eye of an irresistible marry-go-round. Rebecca worked on how the use of mobile phones has affected our bodily gestures and posture.
Hannah Stearn researched the idea of transcribing radio waves. For Sponatenous Combustion Festival, she set up a pirate radio station that broadcast from a boat passing along Lee Navigation. The app plays sounds that are left as traces where the radio waves have been trasmitted.
Collaborators: Ruth Edwards
Hannah Gardiner, has created a trail around the area that audiences are encouraged to discover through the app. The artist herself and her collaborators are burlesque characters to a surreal narrative, that audiences experience only through video of past events available on the app. She is interested in stories told by local people, who she interviewed throughout the process. You will be asked to perform tasks and contribute to complete the stories begun by her characters.
Collaborators: Dot23, Sophia Disgrace